SMTP Relay Service

SMTP Relay services is very easy and simple to deploy in cases where the customer has theirin-house ERP/CRM or any legacy web / desktop application or mobile applications, where there is a requirement to send or relay outbound emails using SMTP Servers.

The advantage in using our SMTP Services is that we not only relay the emails, but at the same time we also provide them with detailed email tracking functionality. (Delivery status, Opens, Clicks & Bounces).

Can be very easily integrated without any complex API’s or coding to be done. It’s a simple SMTP Hostname, Username & password for authentication and SMTP Port. Just these 4 parameters are to be configured and it is good to go LIVE.

Typical examples of use cases of the solution would be:

1) Welcome / Thankyou email for signup from website page or mobile applications.

2) Notification email for booking or reservation systems.

3) Notification email if some threshold is met.

4) Transaction Confirmation emails.

5) OTP email for 2 factor authentications.

6) Debit / Credit notification emails.

7) Sending invoices from any POS or Billing systems via emails.

8) Sending reports or transaction summary


How does the solution work?

We shall provide the customer with SMTP credentials; they would submit the emails to our application server via secured TLS (Transport Layer Security) port 587 or port 2525. (In some cases where required we can allow exceptions of relaying the emails via unsecured SMTP port 25).

The email hits our server we would first do certain security checks:

1) If the sender domain is in our allowed list to relay.

2) If the sending IP is in our allowed / acceptance list.

3) If the sending IP is in our trust zone.

Once these tests are positive, then we would enter the sender address, recipient address (To, CC & BCC) into our database and note the time of submission.

After the submission, the email is transported to the designated relay server from our distributed relay server network, based on the MDE (Mail Distribution Engine) rules. All the relay servers update the MDE at an predefined interval of 10 minutes with the status of the emails submitted for deliver with the status of the same along with the final SMTP log comment from the destination mail server.

Based on the update from the relay network servers to the RDE, records are updated against each transaction.

Monitoring Systems

All our relay server IP’s & Domains are under automated monitoring system for their reputation & blacklists. As and when there is a change or degrade detected, an alert is raised to the delivery team via emails. Once the team checks the issue, either if possible to fix it they shall fix it or if its time consuming fix then immediately the IP’s are replaced with alternative from standby IP Pool.