We have 50 email Ids on G Suite. As we go through the process of renewing our license, we were told that G Suite has jacked up the prices from Rs.1,500/- to Rs.2,520/ per user. This 50% hike made G Suite cost prohibitive for us.
Just 2 years ago, we had shifted from Shared hosting to G Suite so are woefully aware of the perils of shared hosting. We did not want to take a step backwards and go back to shared hosting. We wanted to run our email services from G Suite Platform but without stretching the budget.
In our organization most of the Users access emails from the office PC using MS Outlook and Thunder Bird. So we cut down the number of G Suite Ids from 50 to 30 and setup team based shared accounts.
The shared account approach, saved us some money, but it turned out to be a nightmare. Every user had access to the team’s INBOX and “From” address could not be individualized. It created lot of confusion and lack of accountability. Users were not able to determine the intended recipient of the incoming emails, and who was responsible for responding.
G S Plus Mail Server provided us the best of both the worlds. The reliability and functionality of G Suite platform with much reduced price. We installed G S Plus on a PC in our office network, created an Alias account under a G Suite, and connect all the User’s MS Outlook to G S Plus for email distribution. Now everyone has a unique and personalized email ID running from G Suite Platform, but we don’t have to pay G Suite for every individual user.